Recruitment of TikTok Live Hosts for Selling Clothes Using the MOORA Method
Decision Support System, Host Live TikTok, MOORA, RecruitmentAbstract
Mistakes in recruiting Hosts for the business of selling clothes on TikTok live streaming can have a negative impact on business owners, because Host failure can cause the products offered not to sell to potential customers. To overcome this problem, a decision support system is needed as a support tool for clothing selling entrepreneurs in recruiting TikTok Live Hosts that are relevant and can contribute to the development of their business. In this study the authors used Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) for the TikTok Live Host recruitment process with 5 (five) alternatives and 5 assessment criteria in subjective decision making. The results of this study indicate that the alternative that gets the first ranking position and is recommended to be accepted as a TikTok Live Host is A5 (Rina) with a value of 0.2752. As for the ranking order of other alternatives, namely A1 (Janses) with a value of 0.2738 at rank 2, A3 (Aisyah) with a value of 0.2582 at rank 3, A4 (Kylen) with a value of 0.2460 at rank 4, and A2 (Delima) with a value of 0.2190 at rank 5.
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