Network Design Using Load Balancing Equal Cost Multi Path (ECMP) Method At Lexima Consultant Office
Bandwith, Failover, ECMP, Lexima Consultant, Load BalancingAbstract
The development of technological advances also contributed to the advancement of Internet technology. Where the Internet is one of the needs that is considered important in all fields, this is evidenced by the number of Internet users from 2020 to 2023 having a significant increase. Lexima Consultant as one of the institutions engaged in information system creation services, of course, requires an internet connection. However, there are several obstacles faced, one of which is the absence of a load balancing and failover network system which sometimes makes the need for internet access with large bandwidth allocations to be disrupted and even cut off. Implementing the right technique at the Lexima Consultant office for sending data packets as the main factor supporting activities is certainly very much needed. In the research conducted, a load balancing technique was used using the ECMP method to optimize network performance and avoid internet network disturbances. From the research conducted, it can be concluded that the implementation of the load balancing method using the ECMP method has been able to divide connection paths and failover can run properly, so the possibility of disruption in the form of a network connection loss will be very small
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