About the Journal

Apollo: Journal of Tourism and Business, a premier peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and research in the field of tourism and business. Our journal is committed to publishing high-quality, original research that explores the complex and dynamic relationship between these two fields. We publish three issues per year and welcome submissions from researchers at all career levels and from any geographic location. Our journal is assigned the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2985-5810, which ensures the permanent availability and visibility of our journal in the scholarly community, We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in our editorial process and encourage submissions from underrepresented groups. Our rigorous peer review process ensures that only the most impactful and rigorous research is published in our journal. We hope that you will consider submitting your research to Apollo and join the conversation about the important issues facing the tourism and business sectors.

Journal Title Apollo: Journal of Tourism and Business
Subjects Tourism and Business
Language English
ISSN 2985-5810
Frequency Quartlerly (January, May, September)
DOI  https://doi.org/10.58905/apollo
Editor-in-chief Robbi Rahim, Ph.D
Publisher CV. Media Digital Publikasi Indonesia
Citation Analysis SCOPUS | EBSCO | Copernicus | Garuda | Google Scholar | Crossref | Dimensions | SCILIT |

Apollo: Journal of Tourism and Business, has been indexed by:
EBSCO | Copernicus | Garuda | Google Scholar| Crossref | Dimensions | SCILIT |


Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): May 2024 (IN PRESS)
					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): May 2024 (IN PRESS)


Published: 22-06-2024


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