Focus And Scope 

This Journal scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  • Community development and empowerment
  • Volunteerism and civic engagement
  • Social entrepreneurship and innovation in community service
  • The role of community organizations and institutions in service delivery
  • The impact of community service on individuals and communities
  • Best practices in community service and its evaluation
  • The ethical and legal aspects of community service
  • The intersection of community service with other fields, such as public health, education, and environmental sustainability.

The journal welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, political science, economics, public health, education, and environmental studies for Community Service. The journal is committed to fostering an open and inclusive scholarly community and to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in all its endeavors. With its focus on community service, Salus Publica: Journal of Community Service aims to provide a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community leaders seeking to understand and improve the ways in which communities and individuals can work together to create positive change..