Health Education and Simulation of Breast Self-Examination Implementation for Young Women at Konawe Islands State High School
Breast Self-Examination, Education, Young WomenAbstract
This lecturer's dedication aims to increase health awareness of adolescent girls at Konawe Islands State High School through education and breast self-examination simulations. Lecturers are involved in the development of educational programs involving interactive presentations, group discussions, and simulated demonstrations of breast self-examination. During the activity, lecturers provided in-depth knowledge about the importance of early detection of breast cancer and provided practical information on how to conduct self-examination correctly. The simulation was performed using simple breast models and visual aids. The results of this dedication show an increase in the knowledge and skills of young women in conducting breast self-examinations, as well as motivating them to maintain breast health regularly. With this approach, lecturer service contributes positively to breast cancer prevention efforts and improves the quality of life of adolescent girls in the educational environment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Kurniawan, Evodius Nasus, Lisnawati Lisnawati, Tawakkal Tawakkal, Ira Nurmala, Andriyani Andriyani, Hasda Hasda, Qur'ani Qur'ani, Sugi Rico Andrean

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