SaNa: Journal of Blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse Technology is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the fields of blockchain, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and metaverse technology. The journal aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research and scholarly discussions on the various aspects of these rapidly evolving technologies and their applications. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  • Blockchain architecture, protocols, and security
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their applications in the creative industries, gaming, and more
  • Metaverse technology and virtual worlds, including the development and governance of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
  • Tokenomics and economics of blockchain and NFTs
  • Legal and regulatory frameworks for blockchain and NFTs
  • The intersection of blockchain, NFTs, and metaverse technology with other fields such as finance, gaming, and the arts.

The journal welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, economics, law, and the arts. The journal is committed to fostering an open and inclusive scholarly community and to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in all its endeavors. With its focus on blockchain, NFTs, and metaverse technology, SaNa: Journal of Blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse Technology aims to provide a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry leaders seeking to understand and advance the capabilities of these cutting-edge technologies.

Journal Title SaNa: Journal of Blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse Technology
  1. Blockchain architecture, protocols, and security
  2. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their applications in the creative industries, gaming, and more
  3. Metaverse technology and virtual worlds, including the development and governance of decentralized autonomous organizations
  4. Tokenomics and economics of blockchain and NFTs
  5. Legal and regulatory frameworks for blockchain and NFTs
  6. The intersection of blockchain, NFTs, and metaverse technology with other fields such as finance, gaming, and the arts
Language English
ISSN 3030-9832
Frequency 2 Times (February and August ) / Year
DOI 10.58905/sana
Editor-in-chief Robbi Rahim, Ph.D
Publisher CV. Media Digital Publikasi Indonesia
Citation Analysis SCOPUS | EBSCO | GARUDA | Google Scholar | Crossref | Dimension | Copernicus | SCILIT

SaNa: Journal of Blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse Technology, has indexed by:
EBSCO | GARUDA | Google Scholar |Crossref | Dimensions | Copernicus | SCILIT


Inclusion in EBSCO Database


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We are thrilled to announce that SaNa: Journal of Blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse Technology has been Preliminary accepted for inclusion in the prestigious EBSCO Database (Agremeent Proof 1). This is a significant achievement for our journal, and it represents a recognition of the hard work and dedication of our editorial team and contributors, after volume 1 issue 1 fully publish this journal agreement will signing.

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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): August 2024

This issue has been available online since 02 September 2024 for the regular issue of August 2024. All articles in this issue (5 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 11 authors. 

Published: 02-09-2024
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