Analysis of Escherichia coli and Total Plate Count of Red Guava Fruit Juice (Psidium guajava L.) Sold in Keboansikep Gedangan Subdistrict Sidoarjo
Red Guava Juice, Most Probable Number (MPN), Total Plate CountAbstract
Red guava can be processed into a juice drink, but it does not rule out the possibility that fruit juice contains disease-causing microorganisms. This study aims to determine the number of Escherichia coli and TPC/Total Plate Count bacteria in red guava fruit juice sold in the Keboansikep, Gedangan, Sidoarjo. The method used is descriptive using a survey technique with a cross-sectional approach. Laboratory experiments are carried out, namely analyzed in the microbiology laboratory sampling using a saturated sampling technique. Samples were examined to compare the analysis results obtained compared to INS 3719:2014 concerning the Quality of Fruit Juice Drinks. Samples were examined using Escherichia coli analysis based on INS 01-2332.1-2006 with the Most Probable Number (MPN) method and Total Plate Count/TPC analysis based on INS 01- 2332.3-2006 with the pour plate method. The test results showed that the Escherichia coli analysis obtained 100% of the samples showing positive with the lowest MPN index of 9 APM/ml to the highest >1100 APM/ml. The results of the PNA analysis obtained 7% of all samples, indicating that it was safe and met the requirements, namely sample 7A with a TPC value of 4.9 x 103 CFU/ml, while 93% of all samples showed that it was unsafe or did not meet the requirements based on INS 3719: 2014. The sample containing the most microbes was sample 5A with a TPC value of 5,1 x 105 CFU/ml
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