Journal of Blockchain, NFTs and Metaverse Technology 2024-09-02T10:46:57+00:00Robbi Rahimsana@mediadigitalpublikasi.comOpen Journal Systems<p>SaNa is a peer-reviewed international journal focused on blockchain, NFTs, and metaverse technology. It aims to provide a platform for high-quality research and discussions on various aspects of these technologies and their applications. The journal covers topics such as blockchain protocols and security, NFTs in various industries, virtual worlds, tokenomics, and legal and regulatory frameworks. It welcomes contributions from multiple disciplines and promotes diversity and inclusiveness in its community. The goal of SaNa is to provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry leaders in these cutting-edge technologies.</p> of the Effect of User Satisfaction on the Quality of the Shopee Application with the End User Computing Satisfaction Method (Survey on Followers of the Shopee Indonesia Instagram Account)2024-02-15T14:34:05+00:00Baldhan Difabaldip06@gmail.comAgung Tri Esti<p>Shopee is one of the e-commerce platforms in Indonesia that supports the marketplace business model. Shopee faces a big challenge to compete with a large number of other e-commerce because it is one of the marketplaces that enliven the mobile segment. To win the competition, marketplace organizers must be able to meet consumer needs to win the competition because the rapid and diverse growth of e-commerce results in increasingly fierce competition. A service can be said to be successful in providing satisfaction if it can meet the needs of its users, and user satisfaction itself can be interpreted as an important thing for every service provider. User satisfaction with services can be used to identify the good and bad sides of services that can be implemented so that user needs can be met. In this study, the End User Computer Satisfaction (EUCS) method is used, the EUCS method has 5 variables that can be used in the analysis process, namely the Content, Accuracy, Format, Ease of Use, and Timeliness variables. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to @shopee_id Instagram followers, from distributing questionnaires, 385 data were taken as samples to measure Shopee marketplace user satisfaction. The results of the presentation of Shopee marketplace user satisfaction on all variables are stated to have a very satisfactory data interpretation because the presentation value is above 81%</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Baldhan Difa, Agung Triayudi, Endah Tri Esti Handayani Sales of Qurban Animals at Bratajaya Farm Store Using Content Based Filtering Method2024-02-16T14:52:48+00:00Hilman Fikri Wijaya Hilmanhfw4524@gmail.comAgung<p>E-commerce is a buying and selling process carried out via a digital platform, utilizing the internet as a transaction medium. The existence of e-commerce makes it easier to buy and sell online, which is the key to business development and potential profits in the future. Online business competition is increasingly intense, even reaching price competition. Bratajaya Farm Animal Shop chose to use the e-commerce platform as a way to sell their products. With this e-commerce, it is hoped that it will make it easier for customers to look for sacrificial animals without having to come directly to the shop which takes time. E-commerce technology design for the sale of sacrificial animals at the Bratajaya Farm Shop using the PHP programming language and MySQL database and testing using Blackbox testing. The method used for the E-Commerce system uses Content Based Filtering, with the Content Based Filtering method it can make it easier for customers to search for the animal category to choose</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hilman Fikri Wijaya Hilman, Agung Triayudi, Winarsih Analysis on Twitter Social Media Application on Fuel Oil Price Hike Using Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree Algorithms2024-02-16T09:50:01+00:00Muhammad Fadlifadli051101@gmail.comAgung Tri Eshti<p>The increase in fuel prices has significant impacts on the Indonesian community's economic sector. Most people object to this policy because of its significant effects on daily life. Additionally, Indonesia's economy has not fully recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic, compounded by news of rising oil prices. With news of the increase in fuel prices, most people express sentiment regarding the rise in fuel prices on one of the social media platforms, Twitter. This study aims to differentiate the sentiment provided by the public, whether positive, negative, or neutral, using the Naïve Bayes Classifier and Decision Tree algorithms. The analysis results show that the Naïve Bayes Algorithm model, specifically Bernoulli Naïve Bayes, achieves the highest accuracy of 65.60%, with a precision of 68%, recall of 60.30%, and f1-score of 59.33%.</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fadli, Agung Triayudi, Endah Tri Eshti Handayani of Face Recognition for Lecturer Attendance Using Deep Learning CNN Algorithm2024-02-20T14:11:46+00:00Fajhar MuhammadFajarmuhammad1087@gmail.comAgung<p>Using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm, this research aims to create a better lecturer attendance application that improves the attendance system and creates peace of mind when lecturers arrive at national universities. The author analyzes the results of applying deep learning algorithms to an experimental face recognition system that uses convolutional neural networks. The purpose of this study is to show that deep learning algorithms can improve the accuracy and efficiency of recording presence. In addition, the goal of this research is to create a timekeeping application using face recognition technology that is expected to have a high level of accuracy. In addition, this research includes a modification of the CNN model. This modification resulted in an epoch value of 75 for training of 100% and test of 95%. Analysis of results, drawing conclusions, and suggestions for additional development are the final stages of this research. Evaluation of the integrated system is done by collecting actual attendance data and comparing it with the attendance records created by the system. This validation will help explain the performance of the system and find problems or vulnerabilities that may need to be fixed</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fajhar Muhammad, Agung Triayudi, Eri Mardiani Implementation of E-Commerce for Frozen Food Products in Providing Recommendations Using Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Method2024-02-15T06:56:59+00:00Racquel Terranova Simanungkalitracquelterranova12@gmail.comAgung<p>The development of information technology, especially the internet, has significantly impacted facilitating human access to information, including the trend of society opting for frozen food as a fast food option. Meanwhile, the phenomenon of social media depicts the tendency of society to choose convenient and fast food. On the other hand, the rapid development of sales and product promotion systems through the internet is taking place, utilizing web-based technology. Recent studies also indicate that the development of web-based sales information systems for frozen food can enhance efficiency and service quality. Collaborative filtering methods in recommendation systems are also becoming increasingly popular in helping users obtain better recommendations. All of this indicates that information technology has had a positive impact on making purchasing and information management more efficient and convenient for society</p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Racquel Terranova Simanungkalit, Agung Triayudi, Benrahman