The Politics of Flat Ownership Law on the Regulation of Flats Laws in Indonesia


  • Kiki Trianggono Faculty of Law, Islamic University Bandung, Indonesia
  • Salma Suroyya Yuniyanti Faculty of Law, Islamic University Bandung, Indonesia
  • Kokom Komalawati Faculty of Law, Islamic University Bandung, Indonesia


Arrangement of Flats, Flats Law, Residence


The 5th precept states that social justice is for all Indonesian people and in Article 28 letter H paragraph (1) it is stated that everyone has the right to live in inner and outer prosperity, to live and get a good and healthy living environment and the right to obtain health services. After a life of inner and outer prosperity, followed by the right to reside, and then talk about the right to a good environment and health. Flats are a good residential choice, in addition to answering the backlog of housing needs, it is also the embodiment of the concept of a livable and affordable home in a healthy, safe, harmonious, and sustainable environment and creating an integrated settlement to build economic, social, and cultural resilience. Based on the above background, problems arise related to the benefits of the construction of flats built in Indonesia for the people of Indonesia. Is UU No. 20 of 2011 following the welfare of the people and how should the arrangement of flats result from the integration of Indonesian law. This study aims to analyze and determine the existence of the Flats Act has or has not been aligned with the welfare of the people of Indonesia. This study is doctrinal legal research that provides an assessment of the regulatory model of the flats act. The arrangement of flats in Indonesia is a form of responsibility of the government which aims to prosper the community in the form of habitable houses as mandated in Article 28 H paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. However, in practice, there is still an overlap between the owners of apartment units and the developers of commercial flats or apartments. Thus, there needs to be a special explanation related to the ownership of flats, so that the owners of flats get legal certainty and legal protection


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How to Cite

Kiki Trianggono, Salma Suroyya Yuniyanti, & Kokom Komalawati. (2023). The Politics of Flat Ownership Law on the Regulation of Flats Laws in Indonesia. Hammurabi Code: Journal of Law and Human Rights, 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from


